Water Cooler
Latest news, articles, and what is top of mind for Plexus Members and Executive Director.
The Water Cooler
Seven Financial Planning Steps that every LGBTQ Person Needs to Take
Miriam Giardina, Plexus Member As LGBTQ people, we know we must take extra care planning the details of our lives from where we live to who we come out to. Being LGBTQ can directly or indirectly impact where we work and how much we earn. Every person needs financial forethought and planning, but being LGBTQ…
Transgender Day of Remembrance
Every day is an opportunity to stop violence against transgender people. Guest Blogger Erica Pelz (she/her) I was asked to speak at the Kent State University observance of Transgender Day of Remembrance, November 20, 2020. For those who are not familiar, this is the day when we memorialize the transgender and gender non-conforming people who…
OverDrive Staff LGBTQ+ Suggested Reading List
We invited Rachel Kray from Overdrive to our Plexus Pour Over on October 16th to share some reading suggestions for LGBTQ History Month. This list is not intended to be comprehensive. There are thousands of other fantastic LGBTQ titles. Our goal is to present a collection of accessible, modern, readable, and relatable titles. Our hope…
Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion The mission of Plexus is economic inclusion and, therefore, we recognize the tremendous costs of institutional discrimination, particularly to communities of color and the African-American and Black community. While violence and discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals continue, we cannot deny that within our community, there still exists disparity and racism. As…