Plexus Education Foundation
Founded in December 2008 as a 501(c)(3) the Plexus Education Foundation was formed to support the LGBT business community and advance economic equity through the provision of educational programming, workshops and trainings, and Employee Resource Group development and support.
As the awareness grows about the social and legal challenges for LGBTQ individuals, expertise and training is needed for the businesses and organizations looking to create more inclusive networks, more welcoming places to transact business, more recruitment of talent and the development of practices that can better serve the LGBTQ community.

Mission Statement
To improve the workplace environment for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender individuals through education, research and development resulting in enrichment of the entire community.
We are more than a Chamber of Commerce, we are community.
Membership drives the networking and business resource opportunities of the Chamber. Gifts to the Plexus Education Foundation go further to support economic equity, diversity and inclusion in workplaces and the region. Your gifts provide mission critical support for educational programs, legislative advocacy, and community partnerships.
Learn more about our educational programs, workshops, and Employee Resource Group Council.